In 1987, based on the considerations of a standard project conceived by Antonio Morsiani and considering the mutual features of the existing individuals in terms of character and appearance, a trial review took place. BASIR, born in 1980, can be considered the TRUE incorporation of the breed standard. In 1989, at the reunion of Mantova and Foggia, close to 70 individuals were reviewed and registered. In 1990, at the Mantova, Ostuni meeting another 70 individuals were registered.

In 1987, ENCI, the Italian kennel club recognised the breed with its own standard. In 1994, backed by the official recognition of FCI the breed got out of isolation, and started its conquest for the world, achieving admiration, love, respect among the friends of Cane Corso. Considering the Corso’s character, not by accident, as based on their features they bewitch enquirers.

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